Beliefs & Values


At Peace Lutheran Church, we proclaim the Gospel, make disciples,
and move the mission forward to exponentially plant the Gospel
by making disciples who make disciples for generations to come!



Everything we do as disciples of Jesus should be about proclaiming the Gospel, making disciples and moving the mission forward. Our purpose, as disciples of Jesus, is to be about growing the kingdom of our Savior and being a Gospel-planter in our daily lives.

MATTHEW 28:18-20

Our Savior gave all of Himself for the forgiveness, life and salvation of all mankind. As His disciples gathered at Peace, we seek to generously give of our time, our resources, and our passion for the sake of His purpose in our lives. Throughout a disciple’s life, how they express generosity towards Christ and the community around them may change, but that generosity is always an expression of our heart and love for Christ and His world.


We live in an ever-increasing, ever-changing world. But, Christ does not call us to fear and timidity, but to faith and courage, knowing He is Lord over all things. At Peace, we value courageous leadership that seeks new opportunities to live out our purpose as disciples of Jesus both today, and for generations to come.


We are about progress over perfection. Jesus does not gather His disciples because they are perfect, but because, even in the midst of our brokenness, He still loves us. Peace is not a place where we expect you to meet a standard that only Christ Himself could live up to, but instead a place where you can grow as a disciple through building community, deepening your knowledge of God’s Word, and seeking to live out your faith in your daily life.



At Peace, we believe in Proclaiming the Gospel, Making Disciples and Moving the Mission Forward. It is our desire to create disciple making communities. We do this through reaching people, teaching them to love and serve Jesus, and sending them to reach, teach, and send others. To learn more about our beliefs on Baptism, Biblical Teaching, Communion, and Worship, watch the videos below: 


We believe baptism is a Sacrament, meaning a sacred act. We believe anybody can, and should be baptized, including, adults, children and infants. Jesus said "Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

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We are a Gospel-centered community that seeks to understand our modern context from a Biblical perspective, through a historically Lutheran approach to understanding Scripture.  We seek to apply the truth & promises of God to our daily lives as disciples of Jesus.

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We believe the Lord's Supper is a Sacrament. We believe that in the Lord's Supper, we receive the strengthening of our faith as God's Spirit works transformation in us, and the forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life through the body and blood of Christ

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We worship together as disciples, recognizing our brokenness and sinfulness but we rejoice that in our Savior, Jesus Christ, we have forgiveness of our sins. We join together to celebrate what God has already done for us. We believe that worship is not about you or others, but about God, and his presence in our daily lives.

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Donna Park Elementary

Donna Park Elementary - Impact Story of the Generosity of Peace Church in our community.



Welcome to Peace Lutheran Church

Our story is one of faithfulness, everyday people & real families, mercy & hope, and the transformation of lives through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Our story is one that continues to be written as we Proclaim the Gospel, Make Disciples and Move the Mission Forward to build community, deepen our knowledge of God's Word, and seek to live out our faith in Jesus. The complete story of Peace: Coming Soon!

Peace is a member of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. To find out more about the LCMS or the LCMS-TX Disctrict, click below.

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