Palm Sunday - Traditional Worship

Sunday, April 13, 2025 at 8:30 am

About the Event


Today we are brought to the threshold of Holy Week. This was the day the Jewish people chose the Passover Lamb. How quickly things can change in a week! On this Palm Sunday, we see Jesus enter Jerusalem with palms, a symbol of victory, strewn in the road and being waved. Yet it was from that entry that Jesus went to show His true love—His passion—by dying on the cross on Friday. That death showed His love for you. By faith, we believe what Jesus did was for us. Everything about us—our sin, our eternal destination—changed that week because Jesus took the road from palms to passion. Receive what Jesus did for you by faith, knowing your home in heaven was paid for with the King’s ransom—His own blood.
Join us for a time of special worship as we celebrate Palm Sunday, in person and online, at 8:30a (Traditional Worship) and 11a (Modern Worship). 

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