About the Event
Join Pastor Brian and Greg Loving, Director of Operations, for a special time of conversation, question and answer, and discussion, regarding the impact of this fiscal year, budget realities, trends in discipleship, and other important information regarding Peace.
Choose one of the following opportunities to be a part of this conversation, be better informed, and to be prepared for our upcoming Voters Assembly to approve the budget for the next fiscal year, vote and approve new members of the Board of Directors, and to look ahead to the ministry that God has called us to at Peace as disciples of Jesus Christ!
Budget Q & A Opportunities:
Sunday, May 4 | 12:15p - 2p | Sanctuary
Tuesday, May 6 | 6p - 8:30p | Sanctuary
These opportunities are available in person only.
If you have questions before either of these opportunities, please reach out to info@peacechurch.org.