Living Water

Series: Through the Waters

Jay DeBeirJune 23, 2024

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Passage: John 4:5-15

Water has been used to carry out God’s promises throughout Scripture. So, it’s no wonder that Jesus begins His proper, public ministry at a well – not just any well but Jacob’s well (whose name became Israel). How strange that He would ask for a drink! A request that would bridge the treacherous gap between a Jew and a Samaritan. This exchange would turn into a proclamation of the gospel that the Messiah had come to His people in the man of Jesus Christ, and He had come to offer the “living water” of salvation to all people, regardless of their differences and disputes. The greatest work of water and God’s word had come, and in Jesus, it has become a “spring of water welling up to eternal life”!

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Sermons in Through the Waters