Naaman Washing in the Jordan

Series: Through the Waters

William RowlandJune 16, 2024

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Passage: 2 Kings 5:1-8

Naaman was already a great man in the eyes of his subjects, victorious in battle and respected by his king in Syria, but he had one huge problem – he was a leper. At the urging of an Israelite slave, he reached out for help from Elisha, who exercised the power of God by faith. It was not dependent on Elisha’s faith but on Naaman’s. After becoming angry, his servants convinced him that it would be easy enough to “take a dip” in the Jordan seven times, and when he did, exercising even this little bit of faith, he was healed, his flesh restored and made even better than before. The truest moments of faith are found when you don’t want to believe, when you doubt but follow God’s command anyway. That’s because God is the sovereign over all creation, He is the master over disease, and His will is always carried out for the benefit of those who love Him.

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Sermons in Through the Waters