Music & Worship

Traditional Worship

Our Traditional Worship service at Peace takes places on Sundays at 8:30a in our main sanctuary. This service features classic hymns, led by our beautiful pipe organ, as well as historical Lutheran liturgical elements. During the choir season, September-May, you will hear music presented by our sanctuary and handbell choir. Communion is served at each worship service, unless otherwise indicated.

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Modern Worship

Our Modern Worship service at Peace takes place on Sundays at 11:00a in our main sanctuary. This service features popular Christian songs, as well as classic hymns in a more relaxed, casual atmosphere. While the service format is entirely different from our Traditional service, we still incorporate historical Lutheran elements, such as: Confession/Forgiveness and the various creeds. The service is led by our Praise Team and pastoral staff. Communion is served at each worship service, unless other indicated.

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Altar Flower Dedications

We invite you to dedicate Altar Flowers in memory of a loved one, to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, a baptism, or any other family occasion or church festival (i.e. Reformation, All Saints' etc...). To order an Altar Flower Dedication, please download the Altar Flower Dedication Form below, and return the form to . Need help with the form? Call the Church Office, and speak with our Office Assistant, or come by to walk through the form with our Office Assistant. We can't wait to remember and honor a loved one, or celebrate something special with you.


Sanctuary Choir

Our Sanctuary Choir leads worship during our Traditional service during the choir season. This group is comprised of high school students and adults who share a passion for singing. If you’re interested in joining at any time, email our Director of Music & Worship:

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Handbell Choir

Our Handbell choir leads worship during our Traditional service during the choir season. This is comprised of 8-12 adults who share a passion for ringing in worship. If you’re interested in joining or learning more about our handbell choir, contact our Director of Music & Worship:

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Praise Team

Our Praise Team leads worship during our Modern service each and every Sunday throughout the year. This team is comprised of talented musicians and vocalists who have a passion for modern Christian music and a desire to lead others in worship. If you’re interested in joining or learning more about our Praise Team, contact our Director of Music & Worship:

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Do you play an instrument? Interested in playing during worship? Throughout the year, our choirs perform pieces that require other instrumentation. If you play an instrument and would like to use that gift during worship, please contact the Director of Music & Worship to set up a meeting to discuss how you can be involved.

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Special Events & Services

Throughout the year, we have several special events and services, including Reformation, Lessons & Carols, Easter and our annual Patriotic Salute. Consider being a part of one of our special events by contacting our Director of Music & Worship.

Worship Team


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Music & Worship FAQs

What worship styles does Peace offer?

We offer both traditional and modern worship styles.

Our traditional service is at 8:30a on Sunday mornings and features historical Lutheran liturgical elements, as well as classic hymns led by our organ and choirs.

Our modern service is at 11:00a on Sundays mornings and features modern praise songs led by praise team. This service also includes some liturgical elements that you will find at our traditional service, presented in a more relaxed, casual format

Is there a dress code for worship?

No. From flip-flops to dress shoes, we have it all. Be relaxed or dress it up—we'll be happy to see you.

Do I need to bring anything?

Nope. Just yourself. You’re welcome to bring a Bible, but we do provide Bibles in each of our pews that can be utilized during worship.

What can I expect on a Sunday morning?

You can expect services to last roughly one hour and feature singing, a time of prayer, Scripture reading, the Lord’s Supper, as well as a sermon.

Our traditional service also incorporates various historical liturgical elements and follows the same format each week.

Our modern service follows a more relaxed, casual format with communion before the sermon time.

What do I do when I first arrive?

If this is your first time to worship at Peace, welcome! We know it can feel overwhelming, especially when you may not know anyone or the traditions of a new church. Our goal is to help you feel welcomed when you join us for worship.

When you first arrive, make sure to park in our East Parking Lot and come in the doors under the car port. As you arrive, you will meet one of our amazing greeters. If you have any questions, ask them! They are there to help.

Many at our church gather before and after the service in the lobby, while some go into the church early to prepare their hearts and minds for worship. Do what makes you feel comfortable. 

The organ prelude indicates the traditional service is about the start, while the modern starts with a welcome from the pastor, along with announcements.

Will there be coffee available?

Yes. Let’s be honest... this an important element of many people’s morning routine. We have a coffee bar located in our lobby for you to enjoy. Coffee is available before the start of both worship services and after our traditional service.

Will I have to sing?

Peace has a strong traditional of singing hymns/songs in worship. You are invited to join in singing when you feel comfortable.

What do you offer for Children during worship?

We encourage parents, children and families to worship together. We have a special time in each worship service for children. We call this our "Children's Message." During the "Children's Message," we invite children forward to the front of the Sanctuary for a message that was prepared to help them understand the main point of the sermon and Scripture reading for the day. 

As you enter our Sanctuary, make sure you grab a Kids' Worship Bag. Our Worship Bags are filled with activities, coloring pages, and a book to help children focus on the topic of the weekend and to learn more about Jesus and His love for them.

Our Nursery is staffed and available for children infant - 3 years each Sunday, 8a -12:15p. Our Nursery is located on the Southside of our campus, facing the playground out back. 

At Peace Lutheran Church, all volunteers within Children's & Student Ministries are required to submit and pass a background check, and go through Child Safety Training. Volunteers are also given ministry specific training to serving in Children's Ministry throughout the year. 

Is the Sanctuary comfortable on Sunday mornings?

Yes. Our sanctuary pews are padded on the seat and back, providing comfort to each attendee throughout worship.

Our sanctuary tends to run a bit cold during the summer months, so if you get cold easily, you might consider bringing a jacket or wearing long sleeves.

What do I do with my offerings?

You can bring your offerings with you on Sunday morning and place them in the baskets (up front in the Sanctuary) as you come forward for communion.

You can also setup online/recurring giving on our website if you’d prefer to do things digitally.

Give Online

Does Peace live stream worship services?

Yes. We livestream all our worship services that take place in our main sanctuary.
Our past livestreams can be accessed on our YouTube page. To be notified of any upcoming and current livestream, subscribe to our YouTube channel and click the “bell” icon.

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Looking for just our sermons? Visit our sermons page to view past sermons at any time. 

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Are worship bulletins available?

Yes. We offer a digital version of our bulletin each week. Weekend bulletins are uploaded on Thursday afternoons each week and can be accessed and downloaded prior to worship on Sunday.

Download a bulletin

Can I access previous worship bulletins? 

While we don’t keep an archive of past worship bulletins on our website, you can call the Church Office or send us an email and request a copy of past worship service’s bulletin. We have bulletins that go back as far as 2010.

Contact Us:  or 817-284-1677

What is the Church Calendar Year?

We follow the common Christian Calendar year as way to remember the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.

The Church Year begins each year with Advent, occurring on the four Sundays prior to Christmas. After celebrating the 12 days of Christmas, we move into the season of Epiphany, followed by Lent marked by Ash Wednesday. Lent concludes as we enter Holy Week which culminates in the Easter celebration. The Easter celebratory season continues for five Sundays and concludes with three special celebrations: the Ascension of our Lord, Pentecost, and Trinity Sunday.

What festival Sundays does Peace observe?

At Peace, we regularly observe the following festival (celebratory) Sundays: Epiphany, Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, Ascension Sunday, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, Reformation Sunday, and All Saints’ Sunday.

Depending on the preaching calendar, other Sundays are also formally observed: Transfiguration, Christ the King, etc…

Regardless of the sermon topic, our liturgy includes elements of each of the festival/celebratory Sundays to serve as a reminder of where we are at in the Church Calendar year.

When do I sit, stand, or kneel?

You will notice that some sit and some stand, and they may do so at different times. All generally stand (as physically able) when we sing, affirm our faith in one of the Creeds, share the Peace (greeting one another as a sign of Christ’s love) and during the Gospel reading. During the prayers, some will stand while others will kneel. Please feel free to choose whichever is more natural for you.

The only time people kneel is during communion as they approach the communion rails. However, this is not a requirement. You may kneel or stand as you are physically able.

You will also be directed by the screens in the Sanctuary when to stand and when to sit. We want you to feel comfortable. Do what is best for you!

I am curious about Baptism.

At Peace, we believe that baptism is a Sacrament, meaning, a sacred act. This sacred act is done by God in our lives. Baptism is God's promise to the individual of the forgiveness in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, of faith and mercy of God, and of eternal life. Through the waters of baptism, God calls us His beloved and redeemed people. Because baptism is an act of God, and His promise made to the individual, we believe anybody can, and should be baptized, including, adults, children and infants!

To learn more about our beliefs regarding baptism, please take some time to watch this video:  

How often does Peace observe the Lord's Supper?

We observe the Lord’s Supper/Communion at every Sunday worship service, as well as most of our special service throughout the year. The only services where we do not serve communion regularly is Good Friday and Thanksgiving Eve.

As a visitor, can I participate in the Lord's Supper?

Yes, if you hold the same beliefs regarding communion as we do.

To learn more about our beliefs regarding communion, please take some time to watch this video: 

What do I do at Communion?

When it’s time to celebrate the Lord’s Suppers, an usher will come forward and direct each pew to the communion rails. As you approach the rail, you may choose to stand or kneel. Simply form the shape of a cup with your hand and the wafer will be placed there; likewise the wine will be handed to you.

I have trouble with mobility. Can I still participate in the Lord's Supper?

Yes. When the usher comes to the row you are sitting in, let them know you would like communion brought to you. Once everyone else has taken communion, one of our pastors and Elders will come to where you are seated and give you communion.

I have dietary concerns. Can I participate in the Lord's Supper?

Yes. Along with our standard wafers and kosher wine, we offer Gluten-Free wafers and non-alcoholic wine. Simply let the Pastor and Elder know as you approach the communion rail.

We’d love to talk with you about any questions you may have regarding Sunday morning.
After the service, feel free to approach one of the pastors in the lobby as you exit our sanctuary.

If you’d like to setup a time to talk during the week, you can call the Church Office: 817.284.1677 and speak to our Office Manager to schedule a time to meet with one of the pastors.